Why you should Plan your Essay

There are several reasons why it is important to plan your essay before your start writing it. First of all, your essay will have perfect structure and read in a logical order because you decided what each paragraph was going to be about first. Secondly, while you’re writing you won’t need to waste time trying to think of what you should write next – it’s all in your essay plan. Lastly, you won’t forget to include any important points because you jotted them all down in your essay plan before you started.

One of the easiest ways to plan an essay is by using a mind map. You can make your mind map as simple or as complicated as you need. The main points to focus on are how you will lay out your paragraphs and what points you will include in each paragraph. An essay should be well structured with and introduction, body and conclusion. By planning out each section of the essay, you will make your writing clear and concise. Here are some examples of mind maps varying from simple to complicated.


You can make your mind map as simple or as complicated as you need. The main points to focus on are how you will lay out your paragraphs and what points you will include in each paragraph. An essay should be well structured with and introduction, body and conclusion. By planning out each section of the essay, you will make your writing clear and concise.

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