[NEWS]: How to Help Overactive Children Fall in Love with Reading


In a perfect classroom, every student would sit quietly and still with their hands folded, and speak upon request.  They would follow every direction to the utmost degree, but children don’t always fit this robotic preconception of the ideal student.  I personally have soft spot for children who don’t fit the mold, and I feel they tend to be incredibly creative and productive once you harness their energy in a positive way.  Some children just can’t sit still, no matter how many times you give the command.  It can be a futile battle that leaves both parties frustrated and defeated.  It’s crucial to recognize a child’s tendencies and address each situation with an approach that fits a child’s needs.

Today, I want to look at a few ideas that can help overactive children develop a passion for reading.  Children that have difficulty focusing will find it challenging to just sit down with a book and read.  There are many ways to make reading exciting, starting with your own enthusiasm, which can be extremely infectious.  I’ve also provided a few more ideas that may help your child fall in love with books.

The first one is simple.  Read with your child.  Utilize these moments as quality time between loved ones.  Create a comfortable environment that will be enticing to both of you. Maybe you can build a reading tent with sheets and cushions or find a secluded spot in the house with lots of extra pillows.  You could also make it part of your bedtime routine, which may help settle the child down before venturing off to dream land.  The key is to make it unique and special, but to have limited distractions.

Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by a child’s energy.  Put all of that excess energy to good use.  Instead of asking your child to sit still, allow your child to cut loose and act out the story.  Ask your child to choose a character for the both of you, and create voices for the characters.  You can also utilize props to enhance the experience even further. Kinesthetic learning is an excellent form of learning for everyone, especially for overactive children.

Now, I normally wouldn’t promote gambling, but it can definitely bring excitement to reading.  Make predictions or “bets” regarding what you think might happen next.  For example, the boy seems very brave.  Do you think he will help out his friend and be the hero?  I bet you he is going to save the day.  This can peak curiosity and keep your child engaged, as well as help enhance comprehension skills.

Remember to see a child’s energy as a positive thing, and don’t always feel obligated to place restrictions on it.  I understand there are some impulsive behaviors we can’t ignore, but we don’t want to deter a child from letting their true personality shine through.  I think we need to embrace this energy, and accept the authenticity.

Teacher at I CAN READ

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