[NEW]: 8 Reasons why reading is so important for children – Part 2

Exactly what do children get out of reading?

We constantly hear how important it is for children to read books, but have we ever really thought about why that’s true? Exactly what do children get out of reading? Does reading matter?

The answer is yes – it matters!

Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children.  It is necessary for survival in the world of school, college and university. The ability to learn about new subjects or find helpful information depends on the ability to read. Poor reading is the single most significant contributor to underachievement at school and affects every aspect of a child’s life.

To continue the part one, we will read four reasons more why reading is so important for children: 

  1. Reading Improves Memory
    Typically, when a person reads, they have more time to think. Reading gives your child a unique “pause button” for comprehension and insight. By and large, with oral language—watching a film or listening—you can’t press pause. The benefits of increasing this activity include keeping memory sharp and deepening the the capacity for learning.
  2. Reading Teaches Children About The World Around Them
    Through reading, children learn about people, places and events outside their own experience. They are exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs about the world which may be different from those which surround them.
  3. Reading Can Enhance Children’s Social Skills
    Although usually a solitary activity, in many circumstances reading can be a socializing or bonding activity with your child For example, reading a story aloud to your child is a great opportunity to share some quality time together away from the rush and stresses of daily life.  At school or at a library story hour, books can bring children together and can be part of a positive shared experience.
  4.  Reading is Fun!
    Apart from all of the pragmatic reasons above, reading is fun! Reading provides children with endless hours of fun and entertainment.  Stories can free up imaginations and open up exciting new worlds of fantasy or reality.  They allow children to dream and may give them a good start on the road to viewing reading as a lifelong source of pleasure; so read to your young children every day.

So please, inspire your children to read. Give them access to plenty of reading material that they’ll enjoy and discuss it with them.  Sample everything – traditional printed books, assigned school reading, classic children’s novels, fairy tales, eBooks; even the Internet.  As you help your child you may find there is a world full of wonderful children’s literature that YOU can enjoy too.[:]

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