Celebrate Children’s Day 2016

To celebrate Children’s Day 2016, I Can Read sponsored a book collection to benefit Saigon Children’s Charity. The organization was founded in 1992 to help disadvantaged Vietnamese children to get an education and a fairer start in life. I Can Read students collected 200 books to fulfill the needs of Saigon Children’s Charity’s schools. From Saigon Children’s Charity:

“Thanks for joining us to achieve the mission to eliminate poverty through education. By offering these children the opportunity to get access to education, you are giving them a life-long gift. It provides the children and their families the chance to break from the vicious cycle of poverty and secure a better life in the future.”

The I Can Read family believes in the power of books and the students were thrilled to share their love of reading with the children of Saigon. On Children’s Day, I Can Read students read the story of The Giving Tree to learn more about the importance of giving. Their response was moving and they came back over the next few weeks to fill donation boxes with their favorite books. When asked why it is important to give to those in need, one four-year old student replied:

 “Because if I give my books to kids, the world is better.”

I Can Read thanks Saigon Children’s Charity for their continued commitment to serving disadvantaged children in Saigon and looks forward to more opportunities to support their efforts. To find more information on their mission please go to www.saigonchildren.com

Many thanks to the I Can Read students and families that participated in the Children’s Day book drive!

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