Can Reading Be Fun for Kids?

When I was a child I loved to read. I would eagerly await the day that my class would go to the library to pick out new books for the week. Every night I would go home and close the door to my bedroom and read for hours and hours. There was nothing as exciting to me as the way that reading opened up the door to a world full of possibilities.

From Frog and Toad Are Friends to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to Charlotte’s Web, there are countless extraordinary stories that enrich the imaginations of children and allow kids to discover a world beyond their doorstep and community. But, many times children feel under-stimulated or bored by reading. In a world with I-pads, smartphones, and television is it possible for reading to still be fun? Absolutely!

The most important piece of advice I would offer parents is to teach children the joy of reading at a young age. As early as 2 years old, begin reading stories to your children every night before bedtime. As your children grow older, select books with themes or storylines that interest them so they will not feel bored. Make a weekly trip to the library or bookstore and teach your children to value the privilege of having access to books.

A great way to incentivize children to read more once they are able to read independently, is to challenge them with a reward once they finish 5 or 10 books. For example, you could offer your children a trip to the zoo or to the park once they complete a reading milestone. Alternatively, you could make a reading chart to put on your children’s bedroom wall. Each time they finish a book, give them a sticker and once they have a certain amount of stickers they receive a reward.

There are many ways to open up a world of possibilities for children through reading. Think about what interests your children and brainstorm fun and creative ways to motivate them. Reading can be fun for kids, and if your children are bored by reading, don’t worry, you just haven’t found what makes them tick yet!

By Christian M.Jacobs

Country Manager I Can Read VietNam

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