Entries by admin

Diversity to Language Immersion

Diversity to Language Immersion: How Using a Diverse Classroom Can Create Language Immersion. The quickest and easiest way to learn a foreign language is to immerse oneself in the language and culture. Unfortunately, moving to an English-speaking country is neither feasible nor practical for most learners. However, putting yourself in a situation where you will […]

The importance of bedtime stories

The childhood tradition of a bedtime story is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. Language acquisition experts warn that parents are not making time to read to their children or they stop reading to them at too young an age and that it is detrimental to their reading journey. The bedtime story plays a major role in […]

[TIP]: How to Read Well

Reading is one of the most important parts of language learning. Stories allow students to easily practice all four language skills- listening, speaking, reading, and writing. A good reading passage can highlight a student’s language abilities. In addition to reading, students can listen to one another read and then answer spoken or written questions about […]

[NEW]: 8 Reasons why reading is so important for children – Part 2

Exactly what do children get out of reading? We constantly hear how important it is for children to read books, but have we ever really thought about why that’s true? Exactly what do children get out of reading? Does reading matter? The answer is yes – it matters! Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children.  It […]

[NEW]: 8 Reasons why reading is so important for children – Part 1

Exactly what do children get out of reading? We constantly hear how important it is for children to read books, but have we ever really thought about why that’s true? Exactly what do children get out of reading? Does reading matter? The answer is yes – it matters! Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children.  It […]

The Magic of Nursery Rhymes

Nearly everyone knows what happened to Humpty Dumpty, but did you know that nursery rhymes can improve your child’s English in many different ways? Firstly, these rhymes can teach new vocabulary words with pictures and context clues. Furthermore, each song has a rhythm that makes memorizing easy and fun. They allow students to develop a […]

[NEW]: Never Ending Sentence Game

While your child is learning the parts of a sentence, a fun way to practice writing full sentences is this one-to-one game that will have you both putting your thinking caps on. The idea of the game is that each person writes one word, as the pair completes a long, unique, and silly sentence. The […]

[I CAN INSPIRE International Preschool Programme]: Play Your Kids Way to a Better Future

Preschoolers learn differently than school-aged children. They need to use their own exploration and curiosity to develop the skills necessary to learn. The best way a preschooler can build these skills is through play. Play based learning promotes mental and physical development in a way that standard school work can’t. There are many reasons for […]